The first certified tumour centre – it’s from Regensburg

The Tumour Centre Regensburg is a regional amalgamation of 53 hospitals, the University Clinic Regensburg and 1500 local doctors. As a central theme is an intersectorial concept for the entire course of the illness of every patient with cancer, with doctors working together in interdisciplinary work to improve the therapies required. This makes the centre an important partner and point of contact for patients and doctors alike, to conduct and evaluate the treatment of people with cancer to the highest niveau and in accordance with current evidence-based recommendations and guidelines. The first telemedical pilot projects between hospitals and doctors located in East Bavaria were so successful, working with a dozen employees, that the centre located in BioPark Regensburg with 38 employees is today able to organize digitalised, comprehensive documentation to follow the progress of all tumour disease. The centre was one of the first throughout Germany, which prompted and implemented certification of oncological organ cancer centres together with the German Cancer Society, OnkoZert and TÜV. This particularly benefits patients, as initially a comprehensive inclusion assessment of all interruptions to quality of life that accompany an illness with cancer was undertaken. The Regensburg example is now providing training in the German Tumour Centres Work Group (ADT), to which 42 tumour centres belong, and the Cooperation Network Quality by Clinical Cancer Registries (KoQK).

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