Successful Open Day at BioPark Regensburg

How does a new medicine for cancer come into being? What goes on in a cell? What are technical enzymes? And how do we look for new active substances in the field of medicine? The wider population was able to find out about these and other themes on 24 September from 11am to 5pm. As part of the opening ceremony of the third construction phase, the companies at the BioPark opened their doors. The Mittelbayerische Zeitung supported the event as a media partner. In three buildings on a total of 9 floors the visitors were able to get information on the state of current research and development in the field of life sciences. These include biotechnology, medical technology, the pharmaceutical industry and analytics/sensory technology. The visitors had the chance to get an impression in the basement level taking in the real laboratory air of the central technical rooms (ventilation, cooling, water treatment, emergency independent power generator, IT security technology). This infrastructure alone makes up a good 50% of the 14.5 million € construction costs of the third construction phase. Fascinating insights into the world of cells were shown continuously in 4 theatres and the genome project was explained. There was the opportunity for people to undergo a health check and decide what they think about the result.
The mobile laboratory for the Initiative BIOTechnikum “Research Life – Shape Futures” of the Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) was stationed in the parking lot. This information campaign for research of modern biotechnology in Germany is supporting the BioPark in Regensburg for the second time with its mobile world of experience, a two level truck. On the day before the Biotechnikum conducted various practical courses and laboratory experiments in the truck for school pupils from Regensburg schools. The framework programme offered the small researchers a lot of opportunities. There was a 12 station scavenger hunt through all three buildings and at the end a surprise award was waiting for the successful researchers. Those too small for the hunt were able try out playing in the in-house childcare facility.

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