Promotion of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for Regensburg
The foundation (BMGF), formed in the year 2000, supports research projects worldwide currently with a total of over 6.6 billion US$ with the goal of prevention of poverty-related illnesses and the prevention of national diseases. With regard to poverty-related diseases, the infectious diseases AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis are of particular significance. For the promotion of international research cooperation in the development of an HIV vaccine alone (Collaboration for AIDS Vaccine Discovery, CAVD), 287 million US$ is being made available by the foundation for the next five years. For contributions to the development of possible innovative vaccines for the immunodeficiency disease AIDS, the Department of "Molecular Microbiology and Gene Therapy" led by Prof. Wagner at the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene is now receiving sponsorship.
The Regensburg Project is an integral component of two international research consorts, which are supported with a total of 40 million US$ and within five years are to bring highly innovative trial HIV vaccines to clinical testing. The research group is dedicated to the development of preclinical and clinical testing of possible HIV vaccines. Current areas of special research include both epidemiological studies and also researching HIV viral pathogenesis and replication mechanisms.
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