PARTEX welcomes Assay.Works to its Digital Pharma platform
Assay.Works was founded in 2016 at BioPark Regensburg from the HTS center of a biopharmaceutical US company. High-throughput screening (HTS) is a method used in the pharmaceutical industry to automatically test tens of thousands up to millions of substances to identify new starting points for drug development. The Assay.Works scientific team has over 25 years of experience using this and other techniques to identify, characterize and validate new drug candidates. Assay.Works can draw on a unique molecular library of 150,000 substances, a wide range of biochemical and cellular assay technologies and modern workflow automation.
The company Partex from Eschborn near Frankfurt offers a unique, holistic approach that is based on three strategic building blocks and serves the entire pharmaceutical and biotech value chain: (1) data-supported knowledge, (2) decision-making with the help of artificial intelligence and validation and (3 ) proprietary drug candidates. Dr. Gunjan Bhardwaj, Partex Founder and CEO is pursuing a vision to create a new paradigm for human health and longevity. With Assay.Works, Partex is expanding its platform with the possibility of validating in-silico predictions and hypotheses using state-of-the-art, experimental methods and thus is coming an important step closer to this goal.
In conversation, the Assay.Works founders gave insights into their motivations: "We look forward to further developing what we have built together with our team over the past few years. Partex's approach fits perfectly with our goal of rapidly providing the research programs of our clients and partners with first-class and tailor-madeservices. The partnership with Partex is a significant step forward for us," said Dr. Ralph Schwandner. "Creating critical mass is a challenge for small businesses. Joining forces with Partex opens up perspective that enables us to expand Assay.Works' market presence and invest sustainably in our potential. By leveraging synergies, we can focus on what we do best: delivering high-quality experimental data that helps separate the wheat from the chaff in drug development," commented Dr. Johannes Knop.