New Risk Capital Fund - S-Refit EFRE Fund Bavaria

The new fund, based in Regensburg, has a total volume to the amount of 10 million €, brought together respectively 50:50 by S-Refit and funds from the European Fund for Regional Development. This proportion was allotted by the Bavarian Ministry for Commerce, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology. Now following listing in the trade register, the fund can be immediately accessed for its operative work, whose management lies in the hands of S-Refit AG. The investment capital is to flow into small and medium-sized innovative companies in the structurally weak regions of Bavaria. Per joint venture company, the maximum sum is limited to 1.5 million €. The first ventures have already been planned for the remaining year of 2007. With the funds from the new risk capital fund the companies in the region are to be given increased support and jobs for highly qualified people are to be created.
S-Refit AG, founded in 1990, is the largest joint venture company listed with the Bavarian Savings Bank and involved in over 30 companies of the most diverse fields in East Bavaria. In the field of biotechnology the company holds shares in 4 companies at BioRegio Regenburg. In the area of medical technology and pharmaceuticals S-Refit AG together with Sparkasse Erlangen already set up the medTech Capital Fonds GmbH in 2006 to promote technology companies in the seed and start-up phase in North Bavaria.

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