Life Sciences boom in the Region

In the current press release by the company Raumedic AG in Helmbrechts in the BioRegion Regensburg the employment of 500th person was announced. In 2004 the medical technology company had 220 employees. Currently there are still 30 positions open and by 2013 there should be a further 150 employees. A similar trend is being announced currently by most of the small and large sized companies in the field of the life sciences (analytics, diagnostics, pharmaceuticals, medical technology) in the region. The medicine manufacturer Bionorica AG in Neumarkt in Upper Palatinate announced a record turnover and crossing the threshold of 1,000 employees worldwide. In Pfreimd in Upper Palatinate the medical technology company Gerresheimer AG is currently expanding its plant there. And recently the company Labor Friedle GmbH moved into its own self constructed 1,500 m² state-of-the-art analysis centre in Tegernheim on the city outskirts of Regensburg and employed 70 employees.
Also in the BioPark new leaseholders principally currently come from the field of the life sciences. According to Managing Director Dr. Thomas Diefenthal there is still the classical biotech start-up company, such as the company of late 2bind GmbH or Eicosia - recently listed as a finalist in the Businessplan Competition Northern Bavaria. Product specific companies also form the lion’s share of new leaseholders and those who are expanding. The reasons for this lie in the financial world. Biotech companies that want to develop a new therapy or a new medicine for example to treat cancer, which will first come onto the market in 15 years, currently have it hard to receive financing. Product specific companies (medical technology, pharmaceuticals) and the like which are in the field of provision of services have it currently somewhat easier.

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