Iris Biotech on Course of Expansion

Since its foundation in 2001 Iris Biotech GmbH has established itself internationally as a leading source for high quality start chemicals for peptide synthesis,  reagents for the manufacture and development of medicines as well as  for industry and tertiary institutions in the field of the life sciences and diagnostics. In addition to numbers of laboratories for research and development, a variety of products are offered in commercial quantities for the pharmaceutcial & biotech industries. The new catalogue has grown by over 50 % with respect to its predecessors with the number of pages and in its weight. This makes it clear how Iris Biotech, through ongoing collaboration with universities, institutes and pharmaceutical companies, has its finger on the pulse of time and research and is able to offer customers the most innovative solutions for their problems.

This comprehensive portfolio is being expanded with contracts for synthesis. For this the company has opened on the former 12  hectare BASF premises and current Industry Park in Baden Willstätt a synthesis laboratory. The new company Iris Biotech Laboratories GmbH is coordinated from Bavarian Marktredwitz. The production plant serves the manufacture of chiral molecules, for example amino acid derivatives and faciliates up-scaling of large quantities in a 5,000 litre reactor. The company is thereby expanding its broad know-how in chemical contract synthesis and contract research with process development in the manufacture of organic chemical substances.

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