Curadis with a new treatment for breast cancer
Curadis GmbH was founded in 2008 in Erlangen and has S-Refit AG of Regensburg as one of its investors. The company is developing a novel substance for breast cancer and a substance for prostate cancer. In industrial countries breast cancer is the most common kind of cancer in women with 56,000 new cases per year in Germany alone. Current standards of treatment today include therapeutic applications which make use of so-called estrogen receptors in breast cancer cells. These are hormone receptors, which can be stimulated by estrogens in the body. Personified medicine in an individual diagnosis has begun here. Unfortunately treatment is not effective in all patients. Therefore Curadis has two further receptors as potential targets in focus. The company has found a novel steroidal substance which is ideal in addressing both these targets and inhibits the growth of cancerous breast cells. The company has developed a cream which contains the active substance and can be applied directly to the breast as the affected organ. Curadis has a further substance in the pipeline which in animal experiments causes shrinkage of prostate tumors. Depending on age group, 50 - 90 % of men are affected by this national disease. Curadis is led as a narrow project management company by BioPark Regensburg and does not have its own laboratories. The entire research and development work is currently passed to renown service provider enterprises and experts.
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