Regensburg BVIZ-Vice President reelected
In Germany there are currently more than 350 active centers, which consulted in the past year to 4,880 start-ups and 12,100 companies with a total of 85,330 employees as leaseholders. With this support to date 42,000 companies have been able to successfully become independent and create a total of 271,300 jobs. The Federal Association founded in 1988 has its headquarters in Berlin, and promotes through its work innovation-oriented structural transformation in Germany, in particular in the field of new technology.
Dr. Diefenthal has been the elected spokesman of the Working Group at the BioPark since 2009, since 2011 an elected member of Board and since 2014 elected Vice President of the Association. "We support our member centers as participants of the regional promotion of the economy in construction and operation of centers, the introduction of new methods in start-up support (incubators, accelerators, co-working spaces), technology and talent scouting, in finding new sources of financing, as well as important lobby work at federal, state and regional level" summarised unanimously the reelected Vice President the activities of the Association.
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