Quimedo GmbH

Business Strategies

Building up a social network for communication and exchange of information in healthcare. On average clinics and hospitals require more than 40 calls per patient to have suitable demand. There is barely any networking between service providers in healthcare. Paper, fax machines and telephones are the favored media for communication and information exchange between each other. For patients and their family members it is additionally difficult to find suitable places for caregiving. We would like to solve these problems. To this purpose we are making a network available to all. Clinics, homecare companies and caregiving institutions, such as outpatient caregiving services, caregiving homes, intensive caregiving, rehabilitation institutions, accommodation with caregiving services and much more can be used by Quimedo. We want to create with you a network which revolutionizes provision of healthcare. With a platform that is easy to use with chat and search functions clinics and hospitals will not only be able to find caregiving places for patients, but institutions will be able to communicate free of complications with each other and indicate capacity when free. Furthermore Quimedo offers further features for the optimization of analogue processes. With a waiting list and much more an institution can use the advantages of the network quickly and economically.  



Quimedo GmbH
Dr. Timo Steininger
Ulrichsberger Str. 17
94469 Deggendorf

Tel.: 099140228585