
Vocational Schools for Nursing Peter Hiebl GmbH

The Vocational Schools for Nursing Peter Hiebl GmbH in Schwandorf train the current nursing professions in the specialist and helper fields. Further training such as caregivers, practical instruction, geriatric psychiatric specialists, nursing service management and facility management round off our range of services. Further training on various topics such as expert standards, hygiene measures etc. can take place in the form of individual in-house training courses and seminars. Modern equipped training rooms in connection with a highly qualified, practically experienced team of teachers and lecturers form the basis for successfully carrying out training, further education and continuing education.


Berufsfachschulen für Pflege Peter Hiebl GmbH
Dresdner Straße 9

92421 Schwandorf

Tel.: +49 (0)9431 742126
Fax: +49 (0)9431 742127