
CareCampus Regensburg

Under the umbrella of the CareCampus Regensburg, the Regensburg University Hospital and the Caritas Hospital St. Josef train the nursing women and men of tomorrow. Every year in April and September, a total of 4 classes start the three-year vocational training with specialization in inpatient acute care. The training covers the entire spectrum of the nursing profession using different learning locations. Both theory and practice are closely linked at the CareCampus Regensburg. It is possible to acquire the advanced technical college entrance qualification via the Vocational School Plus in addition to the training. The Europe-wide professional qualification in generalist nursing training enables the greatest possible flexibility in professional life. Graduates can always reorient themselves and decide whether they prefer to work with adults, seniors or children.


PflegeCampus Regensburg
Landshuter Straße 65
93053 Regensburg

Tel.: +49 (0)941 782-4011
Fax: +49 (0)941 782-4015